UOL Bulletin for March - 03/01/2025
Бюлетень УПЛ за березень |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - According to Revised Julian Calendar - 02/28/2025
Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - згідно Новоюліанського календаря |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - According to Julian Calendar - 02/28/2025
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - According to Revised Julian Calendar - 01/31/2025
Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - згідно Новоюліанського календаря |
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - According to Julian Calendar - 01/31/2025
Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - Згідно Юліанського календаря |
Month of JANUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 01/01/2025
UOL Bulletin for December - 12/03/2024
УПС за грудень |
Month of DECEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 12/01/2024
Month of NOVEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИСТОПАД в житті Церкви - 11/01/2024
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - October Issue - 10/11/2024
Українське Православне Слово за жовтень місяць |
UOL Bulletin for October - 10/03/2024
Month of OCTOBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЖОВТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 10/01/2024
UOL Bulletin for September - 09/03/2024
Белетень УПЛ за вересень |
Month of SEPTEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ВЕРЕСЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/30/2024
Month of AUGUST in the Life of the Church - Місяць СЕРПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 07/31/2024
Clergy Conference October 14-17, 2024 - 07/17/2024
Конференція Духовенства 14-17 жовтня 2024 р.Б. |
Month of JULY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 06/30/2024
UOL Bulletin for June - 06/01/2024
УПС за червень |
Month of JUNE in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЧЕРВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 05/30/2024
Month of MAY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ТРАВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/30/2024
UOL Bulletin for April - May - 04/14/2024
Бюлетень УПЛ за квітень-травень |
Month of APRIL in the Life of the Church - Місяць КВІТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/02/2024
Lenten Retreat - Постова Розмова - April 6, 2024 - 03/10/2024
"His Mercy Endures Forever" - Jenkintown, PA |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 02/29/2024
UOL Bulletin for February - March - 02/28/2024
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - 01/31/2024
Month of JANUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 01/01/2024
Month of DECEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 11/30/2023
Month of NOVEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИСТОПАД в житті Церкви - 10/31/2023
UOL Bulletin for October - 10/09/2023
Бюлетень УПЛ за жовтень |
Month of OCTOBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЖОВТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 09/30/2023
Ukrainian Orthodox League Bulletin for September - 09/04/2023
Бюлетень Української Православної Ліги за вересень |
Month of SEPTEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ВЕРЕСЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/29/2023
Month of AUGUST in the Life of the Church - Місяць СЕРПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 07/30/2023
Month of JULY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 07/01/2023
Ukrainian Orthodox League Bulletin for June - 06/01/2023
Бюлетень Української Православної Ліги за червень |
Month of JUNE in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЧЕРВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 05/31/2023
Month of MAY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ТРАВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/30/2023
Ukrainian Orthodox League Bulletin for April-May - 04/12/2023
Бюлетень Української Православної Ліги за квітень-травень |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: April Issue - Українське Православне Слово за квітень - 04/01/2023
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - March Issue - 04/01/2023
Українське Православне Слово за березень |
Month of APRIL in the Life of the Church - Місяць КВІТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/01/2023
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 03/01/2023
18 March, 2023 - Annual Western PA/OH Pan-Orthodox Lenten Retreat - 02/24/2023
Praying our way together during Great Lent - 02/12/2023
Sign up by March 1 |
April 1, 2023 - Lenten Retreat - 02/08/2023
Jenkintown, PA |
Ukrainian Orthodox League Bulletin - February-March Issue - 02/06/2023
Бюлетень Української Православної Ліги за лютий-березень |
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - 01/31/2023
02/02/23 - ASC Capital Improvement Project Kickoff Meeting - 01/27/2023
The online meeting will take place on Thursday, February 2, 2023, at 7:30 PM |
Month of JANUARY in the Life of the Church - 12/31/2022
Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви |
Month of DECEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 11/29/2022
Month of NOVEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИСТОПАД в житті Церкви - 11/01/2022
Month of OCTOBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЖОВТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 10/01/2022
Month of SEPTEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ВЕРЕСЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/31/2022
Month of AUGUST in the Life of the Church - Місяць СЕРПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/01/2022
75th UOL Convention - Press Release - 07/08/2022
Details regarding dinner, tickets, and more. |
Month of JULY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 06/29/2022
16 July at 9:30AM - All Saints Camp Annual ONLINE Meeting - 06/18/2022
All Saints Camp Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, July 16, 2022, at 9:30 AM as a “virtual zoom meeting”. |
Month of JUNE in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЧЕРВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 06/01/2022
75th UOL Convention - Newsletter - 05/20/2022
Register by May 31 |
Prayerfully Honoring the LIVES of the Innocent Victims of the War in Ukraine - 05/05/2022
Молитовно Вшановуємо ЖИТТЯ невинних жертв Війни в Україні |
UOC of the USA: Our Humanitarian Mission in Ukraine - 05/04/2022
УПЦ США: Наше Благодійне Служіння в Україні |
LSSK Scholarship Applications Due May 31, 2022 - 04/11/2022
Please visit the UOL Website to view all the information and requirements for applying for the LSSK Scholarship. |
May 22 - Junior UOL Basket Raffle - 04/11/2022
Great Lent Giveaway 2022 |
Month of APRIL in the Life of the Church - Місяць КВІТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/01/2022
UOL Lenten Webinar - April 7, 2022 at 7 PM EDT via ZOOM - 04/01/2022
Subject: The Didache (The Teaching / Doctrine of the Twelve Apostles) |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 03/01/2022
Road to Pascha: Journeying Together Through Great Lent - 02/23/2022
Дорога до Пасхи: Великопосна Спільна Подорож |
Lenten Journey: Photo-A-Day Challenge - 02/23/2022
Великопосна Подорож: Щоденний Фотовиклик |
Lenten Retreat - April 2, 2022 - 02/16/2022
Постові Реколекції - 2 квітня 2022 р.Б. |
Praying our way Together during Great Lent - Sign up by Mar. 1 - 02/16/2022
Молимося разом під час Великого Посту - Підписуйтесь до 1 березня |
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - 02/01/2022
Month of JANUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 12/30/2021
Month of DECEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 11/27/2021
Join us at the Ukrainian Cultural Center of the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA for the Annual CAROLING FOR CHRIST on January 15, 2022 - 11/08/2021
Приєднуйтесь до нас в Українському Культурному Центрі Духовного Осередку Митрополії УПЦ США на щорічний Різдвяний концерт - КОЛЯДА ДЛЯ ХРИСТА - 15 січня 2022 року |
Month of NOVEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИСТОПАД в житті Церкви - 10/31/2021
Month of OCTOBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЖОВТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 10/01/2021
Month of SEPTEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ВЕРЕСЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/31/2021
Order Calendar 2022 / Orthodox Daily Planner - 08/23/2021
Orthodox Daily Planner 2022 - Православний Щоденний Календар 2022 |
Pre-order your 2022 Calendar - Замовляйте ваш Календар 2022 - 08/23/2021
Month of AUGUST in the Life of the Church - Місяць СЕРПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 07/29/2021
All Saints Camp for Adults - Aug. 6-8 - 07/16/2021
Register Now: ASC for Adults - August 6-8, 2021 |
Month of JULY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 06/25/2021
Month of JUNE in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЧЕРВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 05/28/2021
UOL Bulletin - May Issue - 05/03/2021
Month of MAY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ТРАВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/30/2021
Ukrainian Orthodox Word - May Issue | Українське Православне Слово за травень - 04/28/2021
Month of APRIL in the Life of the Church - Місяць КВІТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/01/2021
Prayer for the Youth - Молитва за Молодь - 03/28/2021
YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHURCH: Make a donation to support the Ministry of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 03/21/2021
ДОПОМОЖІТЬ Своїй ЦЕРКВІ: Зробіть пожертву для підтримки Відділів Служіння Церкви |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 02/25/2021
Our Spiritual Journey to Pascha - 02/14/2021
Наша Духовна Подорож до Пасхи |
UOL Virtual Retreat (over Zoom) - February 27 - 02/13/2021
Being Orthodox during Covid and Social Unrest - UOL Virtual Retreat (over Zoom) - February 27, 9:30am - 12:30pm. Speaker: Fr. Anthony Perkins. |
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - 01/25/2021
Month of JANUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 12/23/2020
Nativity of our Lord - Seminary CHRISTMAS CD - Order Today! - 12/22/2020
Замовляйте вже сьогодні - новий Різдвяний Диск Семінаристів УПЦ США |
Month of DECEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 11/29/2020
UOL November Bulletin - 10/29/2020
Month of NOVEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИСТОПАД в житті Церкви - 10/25/2020
Order Your Copy of 2021 UOC of the USA Calendar - 10/24/2020
Замовляйте Церковний Календар УПЦ США на 2021 рік |
Christmas Ornaments for the Consistory - Надсилайте прикраси на головну Різдв'яну ялинку в Консисторії Церкви - 10/20/2020
Month of OCTOBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЖОВТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 09/22/2020
Celebrate With Us the Beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year - 09/12/2020
Month of SEPTEMBER in the Life of the Church - Місяць ВЕРЕСЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 08/25/2020
Month of AUGUST in the Life of the Church - Місяць СЕРПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 07/22/2020
Month of JULY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛИПЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 06/16/2020
Faith! Hope! Love! - Ministry of the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry - 06/16/2020
Віра! Надія! Любов! - Освітній Проект Служіння Відділу Праці Консисторії з Молоддю |
Молимось Разом Впродовж Апостольського Посту 2020 - 06/11/2020
Молимось Разом Впродовж Апостольського Посту 2020 |
Praying Our Way Together Through Apostles' Lent 2020 - 06/01/2020
Having a difficult time living through this coronavirus pandemic? Let us find some solace together! Come, join your brothers and sisters in Christ as we pray together during the Apostles' Lent. |
Month of JUNE in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЧЕРВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 05/24/2020
Pray With Us on the Seventh Sunday After Pascha - May 31, 2020 - Запрошуємо до Спільної Молитви в Сьому Неділю Після Пасхи на Сторінці УПЦ США у Facebook - 05/24/2020
Honoring our Heritage - 21 May - Ukrainian Embroidery Day - 05/19/2020
June 6: Annual All Saints Camp Meeting (Teleconference) - 05/18/2020
Month of MAY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ТРАВЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 04/30/2020
Blessing of Paschal Food - Благословення Пасхальних Страв - 04/07/2020
Month of APRIL in the Life of the Church - Місяць КВІТЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 03/29/2020
Iconography Workshop - 03/13/2020
The workshop will be an intense 6 days where the student will create an icon using acrylic/gouache techniques... Learn basic color mixing, drawing and painting techniques... Be instructed in the history and theology of the icon... Receive personal instruction and demonstration for each stage of painting... Gain a deeper understanding of the mystical art of the icon and its place in the Church. |
Молимося Pазом Bпродовж Великого Посту - 03/07/2020
Приєднуйтесь до своїх братів і сестер у Христі на шляху Великого Посту, коли ми молимося і читаємо Псалтир щодня протягом 20 днів. |
Month of MARCH in the Life of the Church - Місяць БЕРЕЗЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 02/24/2020
Praying Our Way Together Through Great Lent 2020 - 02/16/2020
Come join your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on a Lenten journey as we pray and read the Psalter each day for 20 days! |
2020 Lenten Journey Retreats - 02/12/2020
8-22 листопада 2020 року - Паломництво на СВЯТУ ЗЕМЛЮ та КАПАДОКІЮ з Архієпископом Даниїлом - 02/01/2020
2020 HOLY LAND and Cappadocia Pilgrimage with Archbishop Daniel - 02/01/2020
UOW January 2020 - 01/31/2020
Month of FEBRUARY in the Life of the Church - Місяць ЛЮТИЙ в житті Церкви - 01/30/2020
2020 Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camping Ministry at All Saints Camp - Відкрита Реєстрація на участь в літніх таборах УПЦ США - 01/20/2020
Seminary Souper Bowl Sunday - FEBRUARY 2, 2020 - 01/17/2020
St. Sophia Seminary UOL chapter sponsoring a soup luncheon to benefit the Soup Kitchens in Ukraine (in conjunction with the national UOLs “Souper Bowl Sunday” Fundraiser and St. Andrews Society). |
Christmas Radio Program from Parma - Різвяна Радіопередача Служби Божої із Парми - 01/04/2020
Christmas Radio Program from Parma - Різвяна Радіопередача Служби Божої із Парми |
Radio and Internet broadcast of the Christmas Divine Liturgy from St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH - 01/03/2020
Month of January in the Life of the Church - Місяць СІЧЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 12/30/2019
Nativity of Christ Proclamation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch - 12/20/2019
Having once again arrived at the great feast of the Lord’s Nativity, we glorify with hymn and spiritual song the One who emptied Himself for our sake and assumed our flesh so that He might redeem us from captivity to evil and open the gates of paradise to the human race. The Church of Christ rejoices as it liturgically experiences the whole mystery of Divine Economy and receives a foretaste of the glory of the eschatological kingdom, offering a good and godly witness to faith, hope and love in the world. |
Nativity Epistle - Різдвяне Послання 2019-20 - 12/19/2019
Today, the Holy Orthodox Church radiantly celebrates the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the hearts of all of us are filled with great and incomprehensible joy; God in the flesh appeared on earth. All humanity had anticipated this event since the time of Adam and Eve. As the prophets of the Old Testament proclaimed: “Behold the Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and you shall call His name Immanuel” which is translated, “ God is with us”( Isaiah 7:14). The Lord sends redemption to His people (Psalm 110:9). The salvation of the human race cannot be achieved by human forces and for this reason it is necessary for God to come into the world. |
St. Sophia Seminary Begins Selection of Students for 2020-2021 Academic Year - 12/10/2019
Набір абітурієнтів на навчання у Свято-Софіївській Семінарії УПЦ США на 2020-2021 навчальний рік - 12/10/2019
1 December, 2019 - UOL Sunday in Our Parishes - 1 грудня - Неділя УПЛіги в наших парафіях - 11/29/2019
Month of December in the Life of the Church - Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви - 11/29/2019
Місяць ГРУДЕНЬ в житті Церкви |
Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA: December – People with Disabilities Awareness Month - 11/29/2019
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США - Грудень - місяць опіки людьми з інвалідністю |
Praying, Fasting and Doing Deeds of Christmas Love from Now Through NATIVITY (CHRISTMAS) - 11/27/2019
Молимося, постимо та чинемемо діла милосердя протягом Різдвяного періоду |
20 December, 2019 - St. Sophia Seminary Graduation - 11/22/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through Nativity Lent 2019 - 11/19/2019
Come Join our Lenten journey as we read Scriptural wisdom from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes |
23 Nov. - Orthodoxy Under the Stars - Carteret NJ - 11/15/2019
Month of November in the Life of the Church - 10/31/2019
21 December - Annual CHRISTMAS AT THE SEMINARY Family Event - 10/31/2019
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: November is Epilepsy Awareness Month! - 10/30/2019
Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine to Visit Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA and to Be Honored by the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate - 10/13/2019
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: Remembering the Tragedy of 9-11-2001 - 09/10/2019
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США: “Молитовно Згадуємо Трагедію 11 вересня 2001 року...” - 09/10/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through Dormition Lent 2019 - 08/09/2019
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA on the 243rd Anniversary of US Independence - 06/24/2019
The day of 4thof July is indeed a time to celebrate the freedoms that we enjoy. This day was envisioned by our Founding Fathers on the first Independence Day when in 1776 John Adams wrote this about the Fourth of July: "It ought to be commemorated as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with shows, games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more." |
Молимося разом в час Апостольського Посту 2019 - 06/14/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2019 - 06/14/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2019 - 06/14/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2019 - 06/14/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2019 - 06/14/2019
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2019 - 06/14/2019
1 June, 2019 - All Saints Camp Annual Meeting - 05/03/2019
5-17 November, 2019 - Sacred Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Constantinople with Archbishop Daniel - 05/01/2019
Join us, as we explore the Biblical Holy Land and Constantinople - the ancient capital of Byzantium |
Holy Thursday Services in Chicago Deanery - 04/07/2019
Chicago Deanery Releases Holy Week Schedule with His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Presiding - 03/26/2019
Молимося разом в час Великого посту 2019 - 03/12/2019
Приєднуйтесь до своїх братів і сестер у Христі на шляху Великого Посту, коли ми молимося і читаємо Псалтир щодня протягом двадцяти днів. |
LUBA - Trisomy Awareness Month! - 02/28/2019
Trisomy is a condition where an individual is born with an extra chromosome in their DNA. That one extra little chromosome may cause a person a wide array of health issues ranging from mild intellectual and developmental disabilities to severe physical problems. |
UOL Bulletin - March 2019 - 02/28/2019
UOL Bulletin for March 2019 |
Catechetical Homily of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch at the Opening of Holy and Great Lent - 02/26/2019
With the grace of God, the giver of all gifts, we have once again arrived at Holy and Great Lent, the arena of ascetical struggle, in order to purify ourselves with the Lord’s assistance through prayer, fasting and humility, as well as to prepare ourselves for a spiritual experience of the venerable Passion and the celebration of the splendid Resurrection of Christ the Savior.
Praying Our Way Together Through Great Lent 2019 - 02/23/2019
Come join your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on a Lenten journey as we pray and read the Psalter each day for 20 days! Please respond by March 13. |
Rushnyky: Ritual Cloths of the Cossack Lands of Ukraine - New Exhibit of the Ukrainian History and Education Center - 02/11/2019
The exhibition opening and gallery talk will be on Sunday, March 3, 2019 at 1 PM at the Ukrainian History and Education Center’s Library Gallery located at 135 Davidson Avenue, Somerset, NJ, 08873. |
The 2019 Great Lent Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 02/10/2019
Великопосне Послання 2019 року Постійної Конференції Православних Єпископів Поза Межами України |
Mark Your Calendars - 2019 Lenten Retreats - 02/08/2019
6 April, 2019 - UOL Lenten Retreat - Troy, NY - 02/08/2019
23 March, 2019 - UOL Lenten Retreat - Tampa, FL - 02/08/2019
30 March, 2019 - UOL Lenten Retreat - Youngstown, OH - 02/08/2019
13 April, 2019 - UOL Lenten Retreat - Bethlehem, PA - 02/08/2019
1-4 August, 2019 - 72nd Annual UOL Convention at All Saints Camp - 02/08/2019
February 20, 2019 - Let's Remember the Fallen Heroes of Ukraine: HEAVENLY HUNDRED - Memorial Prayer Service and Iconography Exhibition - 01/26/2019
20 лютого, 2019: Молитовно Вшануймо Пам'ять Героїв НЕБЕСНОЇ СОТНІ - Панахида та Виставка Іконопису на дереві із ящиків, в котрих містилися Боєприпаси |
30 January, 2019: Celebration of the Name's Day and Birthday of Metropolitan Antony - 01/14/2019
UOL Bulletin - January 2019 - 01/03/2019
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Outside the Borders of Ukraine - 12/25/2018
Bowing before the manger in Bethlehem, we offer the New-born Christ Child our sincere andheartfelt prayers, and thank Him for all that we have. May the joy of the Nativity enter into every Christian heart, be present within every family, and everabide among all of you. |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: December Issue - 12/25/2018
Praying Our Way Together Through Nativity Fast 2018 - 12/11/2018
Sign up by Dec. 16 |
LUBA - Let Us Be Attentive - 12/01/2018
Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday - 11/09/2018
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on Giving Tuesday, November 27 |
Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA: 2018 Thanksgiving Day Message to the Clergy and Faithful of the Church - 11/08/2018
Собор Єпископів УПЦ США: Звернення до духовенства та вірних Церкви з нагоди Дня Подяки 2018 року |
8-10 November, 2018 - Annual OCAMPR Conference at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA - 10/09/2018
The Ecumenical Throne and the Church of Ukraine: The Documents Speak - 10/03/2018
UOL Bulletin - October 2018 - 10/02/2018
Commemorating the 85th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor Genocide - 09/29/2018
Candle in Remembrance - October 4 - 7pm — St. Andrew Memorial Church |
1-3 September, 2018 - LABOR DAY WEEKEND - Centennial Celebration at All Saints Camp! - 08/07/2018
Join us for the Annual Family Fest and the Celebration of the Centenniual of the UOC of the USA at All Saints Ukrainian Orhtodox Camp in Emlenton, PA! |
Praying Our Way Together Through Dormition Lent 2018 - 08/03/2018
Prayer and Praise to the Theotokos by reading and praying the Small Paraklesis and Akathist to her. |
26 August, 2018 - Ukrainian Independence Day Observance at the Metropolia Center of the Church - 08/01/2018
Aug. 31-Sep. 3 — Family Fest 2018 - 07/13/2018
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostles' Lent 2018 - 05/30/2018
"And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you, so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God the Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints." (1 Thes. 3:12-13) |
2018 Consistory Circular January - May - 05/25/2018
Summer Camp Early Bird Deadline May 15th! - 05/12/2018
If your families want to get the early bird rate for either Diocesan Church School or Teenage Conference, they need to register by May 15th! It is super simple - it is now all on-line! www.uocyouth.org. |
UOW May 2018 - 05/09/2018
June 9 - All Saints Camp Annual Meeting - 05/07/2018
Holy Week and Bright Week Services in Chicago Deanery with Archbishop Daniel - 03/29/2018
March LUBA: American Red Cross - 03/08/2018
UOL March Bulletin - Read Online - 03/06/2018
The White Angels of Peace - Honoring the Memory of the HEAVENLY HUNDRED - 02/28/2018
Parish Information Form 2018 - 02/27/2018
Ecumenical Patriarch's Catechetical Homily on the Opening of Holy and Great Lent (2018) - 02/17/2018
Historical Commemorative Book Parish Listings Submission by May 25 - 02/16/2018
Submit your Parish Listing |
March 12-16 - Icon Workshop for Seminarians and Clergy - 02/16/2018
The Great Lent (2018) Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 02/15/2018
2018 Encampments at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, PA - 02/14/2018
March 24 – Bethlehem UOL Retreat - 02/13/2018
St. Francis Center for Renewal 395 Bridle Path Road Bethlehem, PA |
March 3, 2018 – Ohio/WPA UOL Pan-Orthodox Lenten Retreat - 02/13/2018
Saturday, March 3, 2018: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
FORGIVENESS The Path to Healing, Wholeness, and Holiness (Practical Applications for Daily Living) |
Praying Our Way Together Through Great Lent 2018 - 02/13/2018
Eph.6:17-18 “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to the end with all perseverance…” |
Remembering the Archpastor: 25th Anniversary of Repose of Patriarch Mstyslav - 02/09/2018
Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary Chapel Feast Day - 01/11/2018
12 February, 2018 - St. Sophia Seminary's Chapel Patron Feast Day |
Nativity of our Lord Pastoral Message from the Assembly of Bishops - 01/03/2018
With the Magi, the kings of the East, each of us is invited to embark on a lifelong journey to meet the Savior—the Son of God, born in the flesh by the Virgin. Our High Priest, Jesus Christ, has shared in our humanity, and thus sympathizes with us. The Lord of lords and King of kings (1 Tim 6:15) assumes flesh and becomes man under some of the harshest conditions: He is born in an uninviting cave; He is lain in a cold manger; and days after His birth, He is forced to seek refuge in foreign lands. Because Christ has endured suffering in the flesh, we are now granted absolute comfort! |
Feb. 23-25, 2018 - Pan-Orthodox Lenten Retreat 2018 - 12/27/2017
Hosted by UOL & Holy Protection Orthodox Church, Dover FL |
UOW October-December 2017 - 12/27/2017
Patriarchal Proclamation for the Glorious Feast of Christmas - 12/21/2017
By the grace of God, we are once again deemed worthy to reach the great feast of the birth of the divine Word in the flesh, who came into the world to grant us “well-being,” remission of sin, of captivity to the works of the law and death, in order to grant us true life and great joy, which “no one can take from us.” |
October-December, 2017 Consistory Circular Posted Online - 12/20/2017
Nativity Epistle 2017-18 Різдвяне Послання - 12/06/2017
Christmas Ornaments for the Consistory Office - 11/27/2017
Praying Our Way Together Through Nativity Lent 2017 - 11/24/2017
Invest in the Future of the Church: Support St. Sophia Seminary on GivingTuesday, November 28, 2017 - 11/23/2017
St. Philip's Nativity Fast: Pastoral Letter of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine - 11/23/2017
Simply put, our goal during this Pre-Nativity Fast is to mature in Christ, to attain to spiritual quality and excellence in our profession of the Orthodox Christian Faith, to invite Christ Jesus into our very being, to proclaim to an increasingly nominal and apathetic Christian society that, which it would rather not hear: “I bring you tidings of great joy…a Savior is born…He is Christ the Lord!” and He can be found in the hearts and homes of those who proclaim Him by their willingness to “let our light so shine before men, that they might see our good works and give glory to our Father Who is in Heaven” [Matthew 5:16]. |
4-19 June, 2018 - College Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages - 11/23/2017
2 December, 2017 - Christmas at the Seminary - 10/26/2017
October LUBA: Down Syndrome Awareness - 10/05/2017
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our August-September Issue! - 10/05/2017
September LUBA: Childhood Cancer Awareness - 08/15/2017
16 Sept. - Ordination to the Holy Deaconate of Cliff O'Neil - 08/11/2017
Praying Our Way Together Through the Dormition Fast 2017 - 07/24/2017
Eph. 6:17-18 “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication
in the Spirit, being watchful to the end with all perseverance…”
27 August - Ukrainian Independence Day Picnic - 07/24/2017
12-5pm |
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: June-July Issue - 07/19/2017
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: June-July 2017 Issue |
5-15 November, 2017 - Holy Land Pilgrimage - 06/24/2017
22-30 December, 2017 - Winter Mission Trip to Znamyanka Orphanage - 06/24/2017
LUBA July: Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul, Independence Day - 06/21/2017
5-13 August - High School Mission Trip - 06/19/2017
Application is Open Now |
UOW May 2017 - 06/06/2017
LUBA June: All Saints Camp Awarness Month - 05/24/2017
26-30 July, 2017 - The 70th Annual UOL Convention - 05/17/2017
Praying Our Way Together Through the Apostle's Lent 2017 - 05/11/2017
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our April 2017 Issue - 05/10/2017
10-12 August, 2017 - Annual Altar Servers Retreat - 05/03/2017
LUBA May: National Foster Care Month - 05/02/2017
Monthly "Book Club" at St. Sophia Seminary - 04/28/2017
22-23 April, 2017 - Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 04/03/2017
31 July - 4 August, 2017 - Mommy&Me/Daddy&Me Camp Program - 04/03/2017
9-22 July, 2017 - Teenage Conference - 04/03/2017
25 June-8 July, 2017 - Diocesan Church School Camp - 04/03/2017
2017 Camping Staff Opportunities - 04/03/2017
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our March 2017 Issue - 03/28/2017
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our February 2017 Issue - 03/01/2017
March LUBA Feature: March is Reading Month - 02/24/2017
UOL Bulletin March 2017 Issue - 02/21/2017
February - LUBA Feature: American Heart Month - 01/19/2017
11 February, 2017 - Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary Chapel Feast Day - 01/06/2017
7 January, 2017: 9-11am - Christmas Radio Program - Різдвяна Радіопередача Служби Божої - 01/02/2017
UOW: Our November-December 2016 Issue! - 12/26/2016
January - LUBA Feature: National Mentoring Month - 12/24/2016
21 January, 2017 - Caroling for Christ - 12/05/2016
St. Nicholas Workshop at the Fisher House - December 18, 2016 - 11/23/2016
Patriarchal Proclamation on the 25th Anniversary of His All-Holiness' Election to the Ecumenical Throne - 11/08/2016
We offer praise and glory to the Triune God, who deemed us worthy to reach the twenty-fifth anniversary since the day when, by the mandate of our Holy and Sacred Synod, we ascended the martyred Apostolic Throne of the Church of Constantinople. With God’s grace, having gladly run this long course of service in the First-Throne among the Orthodox Churches, we look back the experiences, events, prayers, journeys and activities, while at the same time looking forward with a spirit of optimism and steadfast hope to the future, even as today we exclaim the words of our saintly predecessor, St. John Chrysostom: “Glory be to God for all things.” |
17 December, 2016 - Christmas at the Seminary - 10/26/2016
UOL Bulletin November 2016 issue - 10/20/2016
UOW: Our September-October 2016 issue - 10/04/2016
LUBA Feature: OCF College Student Sunday - 09/21/2016
By 31 October – 2nd Annual Faith and Photography Contest - 09/10/2016
September - LUBA Feature: Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross - 08/24/2016
14 September, 2016 – Opening New Academic Ecclesiastical Year - 08/12/2016
August - LUBA Feature: Feasts of the Dormition and Transfiguration - 08/10/2016
17-18 September, 2016 - 14th Washington Ukrainian Festival - 08/10/2016
1 April, 2017 - UOL Lenten Retreat, Bethlehem, PA - 08/06/2016
UOW: Our July-August 2016 issue! - 08/02/2016
15 October, 2016 - From Social Realism to Church Art - 07/27/2016
19-22 October, 2016 – 21st Regular Sobor - 07/27/2016
19 October, 2016 - Clergy Conference Registration - 07/27/2016
July - LUBA Feature: Feast of St. Peter & St. Paul, Independence Day - 06/24/2016
18 March, 2017 - OH/Western PA - UOL Lenten Retreat (WEST) - 06/22/2016
21-30 December, 2016 - Winter Mission Trip to Znamyanka Orphanage - 06/22/2016
June - LUBA Feature: All Saints Awareness Month - 05/25/2016
6-14 August – High School Mission Trip - 05/05/2016
Pascha in our Parishes - 05/03/2016
7 May, 2016 - Support the Seminarians of St. Sophia Seminary - 04/29/2016
Paschalion – Пасхалія - 04/29/2016
Paschal Hours – Пасхальні Часи - 04/29/2016
Patriarchal Pascha Epistle - Пасхальне Послання Патріарха - 04/27/2016
27 May, 2016 - Preparing for the Great and Holy Council: Theological Reflections by (OTSA) Orthodox Theological Society in America - 04/27/2016
The Paschal Epistle – Великоднє Послання - 04/18/2016
4-5 November, 2016 - Third Annual Ukrainian Genealogy Conference - 04/18/2016
25 April, 2016 - Remembering Chornobyl - 30th Anniversary of the Tragedy - St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church (South Bound Brook, NJ) - 04/15/2016
17 July - August 20, 2016 - Ukrainian Summer Immersion, Cultural & Leadership Camp - University of Saskatchewan, Canada - 04/15/2016
16-17 April, 2016 - Lenten Retreat in Boston, MA - 04/04/2016
May 18 Due Date – UOL ANNUAL ESSAY CONTEST - 03/21/2016
“Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.” James 1:19 |
Parma, OH Community to Mark 30th Anniversary of Chornobyl Tragedy - April 24, 2016 - Palm Sunday! - 03/16/2016
7-8 May, 2016 - Saint Thomas Sunday - 03/15/2016
16 April, 2016 – All Saints Camp Kitchen Shower! - 03/15/2016
2-5 September, 2016 – ASC FAMILY FEST 2016 - 03/15/2016
1-2 October, 2016 – ALL Saints Camp Fall Festival 2016 - 03/15/2016
April 12, 2016 - Ukrainian Pysanka Workshop at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in South Bound Brook, NJ - 03/14/2016
April 9, 2016 - Ukrainian Pysanka Workshop at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in South Bound Brook, NJ - 03/14/2016
Patriarchal Epistle - Послання Патріарха - 03/13/2016
The Sacralization of the Holodomor: The Role of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA and the Memorial Church in Bound Brook - 03/03/2016
UOW: Our January-February 2016 Issue! - 02/04/2016
March 19, 2016 – Lenten Retreat - 01/30/2016
12 February, 2016 - Three Holy Hierarchs Seminary Chapel Feast Day - 01/13/2016
Annual Nativity/Christmas Radio Program from St. Vladimir Cathedral in Parma, OH - 01/02/2016
Nativity Message from the Assembly Chairman - 12/24/2015
Give a Christmas Gift to Attend All Saints Camp Encampments - 12/14/2015
16 January, 2016 – Caroling for Christ / Коляда для Христа - 11/20/2015
19 March, 2016 - Growing in Orthodoxy ... Growing in Ministry - 11/16/2015
2 April, 2016 — Lenten Retreat for Adults and Adolescents, Bethlehem, PA - 11/12/2015
ASC Booster Club 2016 Calendars - 11/05/2015
27 May – 5 June, 2016 — Make ASC Sparkle - 11/05/2015
Camp Manager vacancy - 10/22/2015
2016 College Student Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages - 10/16/2015
Благодійна допомога з-за океану (Івано-Франківськ Новини) - 10/15/2015
12 December, 2015 - Join the Seminary Students for the First Annual CHRISTMAS AT THE SEMINARY - 10/14/2015
All Saints Camp Needs Your Help! - 10/06/2015
3 October, 2015 - Ukrainian American Veterans to Bless National Monument-Memorial to Honor Ukrainian Americans Who Served in the United States Armed Forces - 09/24/2015
Ride With Us - Bus Service to Holodomor Monument Dedication from the Metropolia Center - 09/23/2015
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America Issued a Message to the Faithful - 09/19/2015
Orthodox Christian Fellowship - 2015/2016 College Conference - 09/18/2015
15 September, 2015 - Pan-Orthodox Youth Gathering in Chicago, IL - 08/27/2015
We remain in solidarity with our Orthodox, Catholic and other Faith leaders in Ukraine who have proved their devotion to their flocks in their steadfast prayer and ministry to those who sat on the cold cobble-stoned Maidan, and care for the wounded soldiers on the front-line in Eastern Ukraine and at the same time care for the refugees. |
24 October, 2015 - "Nashi Predky-Our Ancestors" Fall 2015 Conference - 08/20/2015
5-7 November, 2015 - OCAMPR 2015 Conference Speakers - 08/07/2015
Register for Clergy Conference 2015 - 08/06/2015
Ukrainian Orthodox Word: Our July-August 2015 issue! - 08/05/2015
On July 28-August 14 Ukraine celebrates 1027 years of Christianity. You can listen to the wonderful concert of sacred music here. - 07/29/2015
Порошенко зустрівся з представниками Вселенського Патріарха - 07/29/2015
7-8 November, 2015 — Holodomor Memorial Dedication – Відкриття пам'ятника жертвам Голодомору - 07/24/2015
ASC Family Fest! Sept. 4-7, 2015 – FANTASTIC NEWS! - 07/16/2015
4-16 October, 2015 – Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Constantinople - 06/19/2015
ASC Summer Raffle - 06/18/2015
ASC Needs 2015 - 06/18/2015
19-20 September, 2015 - Washington Annual Ukrainian Festival - 05/26/2015
23-26 July, 2015 - 68th UOL Convention - 05/26/2015
6 June, 2015 - All Saints Camp Annual Meeting - 05/06/2015
All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp Annual Meeting All Saints Camp Annual Meeting will be held at All Saints Camp on Saturday, June 6, 2015. The meeting will begin at 11:00 AM and will be conducted at the Dining Hall. |
1-8 August, 2015 - High School Mission Trip - 04/28/2015
911 for All Saints Camp - 04/28/2015
Egg decoration, Малюємо писанки - 04/22/2015
Missionary to Kenya – Dr. William Black - 04/22/2015
That I would end up an Orthodox missionary was not an option on my event horizon when I first began to formulate a plan for my life. First of all, I grew up in a Protestant home – Presbyterian to be precise. While family interests biased me towards medicine or the sciences, my fascination and training, however, was in history which, however interesting, does not make for an easy career path. And I was a musician to boot, playing the viola in orchestras and ensembles. Unexpectedly, the missionary option intruded itself on my list of possibilities for my life towards the end of my college career. I was by then a sincere Evangelical involved in a campus Christian fellowship. The summer before my senior year, I exchanged my studies in Medieval and Renaissance History at Duke University for living in the rural areas of Kenya with a Kenyan pastor and his family as part of a short-term mission trip in 1980. Those three brief months changed my life. |
Holy Week and Pascha Photos from Parishes - 04/15/2015
4-7 September, 2015 — Think ASC Family Fest! - 04/07/2015
2015 Ukrainian Orthodox Camping Ministry! - 03/26/2015
21 March, 2015 - Workshop - Ancient Ukrainian Icons on Glass - СТАРОВИННА УКРАЇНСЬКА ІКОНА НА СКЛІ - 03/11/2015
22 March, 2015 - Ukrainian Pysanka Workshop! - 03/02/2015
21 March, 2015 - "Nashi Predky-Our Ancestors" Spring 2015 Genealogy Workshop! - 03/01/2015
18-19 April – St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - Фомина Провідна Неділя - 03/01/2015
Come and share in the light, grace and Gospel of the Risen Lord with others! Прийдіть розділити світло, радість і благовість ВОСКРЕСЛОГО ХРИСТА! |
ATTENTION STUDENTS of the UOC of the USA: The John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation Scholarships Available - 01/16/2015
22 січня, 2015 - Відзначення Дня Соборності України в осередку Митрополії УПЦ США! - 01/15/2015
28 March, 2015 - UOL Lenten Retreat in Bethlehem, PA - 01/15/2015
12 February, 2015 - St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Feast Day! - 01/15/2015
2015 Malanka at the Metropolia Center - January 24, 2015! - 01/10/2015
Різдвяна Радіопередача Служби Божої – CHRISTMAS RADIO PROGRAM of the Divine Liturgy - 12/29/2014
Patriarchal Proclamation of Christmas - 12/27/2014
We pray that everyone may experience the joy of utmost respect for the human person, of our fellow human being. We also pray for the cessation of every form of violence, which can only be overcome through the love promoted and provided by the "angel of great counsel," the "prince of peace," our Savior Christ... May the grace, boundless mercy and goodwill of the newly-born and incarnate Lord of glory, peace and love be with you all. |
Nativity Epistle - 12/19/2014
7 February, 2015 - REUNION of the Missionaries of the Church at our Metropolia’s Spiritual Center in South Bound Brook, NJ - 12/12/2014
24-26 April, 2015 - All Saints Camp Work Weekend! - 12/08/2014
Epistle оn the 81st Anniversary of the 1932-33 Famine-Genocide in Ukraine - 11/21/2014
At present, when our native homeland of Ukraine is enduring perhaps its greatest trials since achieving independence, we Ukrainians in the Diaspora and in Ukraine remember the Holodomor of 1932-33, this most sorrowful and tragic event in our Ukrainian history. Together, we prayerfully honour the memory of millions of innocent people who were martyred by hunger in Ukraine. |
ATTENTION PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS - 10 January, 2015 - Caroling for Christ! - 11/05/2014
27 February, 2015 – Pan-Orthodox College Retreat - 11/01/2014
10 November, 2014 – St. Herman House FOCUS Cleveland Presents: An Evening With Fr. Jerome Sanderson - 10/31/2014
Assembly of Bishops Issues Statement on Middle East - 09/19/2014
Assembly of Bishops Issues Message to the Faithful - 09/19/2014
27-30 December, 2014 - Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) College Conference! - 09/17/2014
12-13 September, 2014 - OCF Mid-Atlantic Retreat - 09/09/2014
20 September, 2014 - Ukrainian Orthodox Stewardship Seminar - 09/08/2014
19-28 December, 2014 - Winter Mission Trip to Znamianka Orphanage! - 09/08/2014
Гімн України мовами світу - Anthem of Ukraine in different languages - 08/24/2014
25 October, 2014 - Nashi Predky-Our Ancestors Fall Conference - 08/23/2014
Clergy Conference Registration - Реєстрація на конференцію духовенства - 08/15/2014
22 August, 2014 - Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration at the Metropolia Center! - 07/22/2014
13-14 September, 2014 - Washington Ukrainian Festival in Silver Spring, MD - 07/15/2014
Help - DIAPERS PROJECT for Znamianka Orphanage - 07/03/2014
OCMC Magazine - Spring 2014 - 06/18/2014
Check out St. Sophia Seminary’s NEW PROGRAM for LATE VOCATIONS! - 06/12/2014
4-7 August, 2014 - Annual Altar Servers Conference in Palos Park, IL - 06/05/2014
May 22, 2014 — For Orthodox Parents & Teens UNDERAGE ALCOHOL & SUBSTANCE PREVENTION - 05/14/2014
May 24-26, 2014 – Apostolic Pilgrimage to Jerusalem — Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 05/14/2014
May 18, 2014 - Memorial Commemoration of Metropolitan Constantine of Blessed Memory! - 05/06/2014
May 31, 2014 – All Saints Camp Meetings - 05/01/2014
St. Philip the Deacon Seminarian Scholarship Application – Apply by July 31, 2014 - 05/01/2014
Aug. 29 – Sept. 1 – Family Fest 2014 - 05/01/2014
10-13 October, 2014 – Follow Me Pilgrimage - 04/29/2014
May 23-26, 2014 – Young Adult Memorial Day Weekend Retreat - 04/29/2014
Have fun and do it right! |
July 5-11, 2014 — Appalachia Outreach Mission Trip to Southwest Virginia - 04/23/2014
Paschalion – Пасхалія 2014 – 2024 - 04/20/2014
Holy Week and Pascha Pictures from parishes - 04/18/2014
Patriarchal Encyclical for Holy Pascha - 04/16/2014
Resurrection and life are the gifts and the light of Jesus Christ which “shines upon all.” Let us all honor this gift. Let us all thank the Giver, Who by His flesh, shone in the world like in a mirror and has presented the light of the resurrection to the world. Let us then receive the light from the unwaning Light of Life. Let us receive and welcome the gift of the resurrection and cry out from the bottom of our hearts: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over death by death, and to those in the grave bestowing Life! Rejoice nations and be happy! |
May 10, 2014 - Vocations Retreat at St. Sophia Seminary! - 04/15/2014
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America: Pascha 2014 - 04/15/2014
23-27 July – 67th Annual Ukrainian Orthodox League Convention in South Bound Brook NJ - 04/13/2014
Paschal Epistle - Пасхальне Послання 2014 - 04/10/2014
Meet the Seminarians Picnic - 03/31/2014
April 7, 2014 - Pysanka Workshop at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ - 03/29/2014
John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation Offers Scholarship Opportunity For the Youth of the Church - 03/27/2014
Молитовно вшануймо пам'ять Героїв НЕБЕСНОЇ СОТНІ - Let us remember the fallen Heroes of Ukraine - "НЕБЕСНА СОТНЯ" - 03/10/2014
NPR interview with Metropolitan Antony - 03/06/2014
The Dmytro and Eva Wasylko Memorial High School Essay Contest - 03/05/2014
Ukrainian Orthodox Church Summer Camp Staff needed! - 03/03/2014
Lenten Epistle - Постове Послання - 02/22/2014
Закликаємо до молитви - Asking for Prayers - 02/21/2014
March 22 - Family History Group Spring 2014 Workshop - 02/05/2014
16 лютого - Народна скульптура та оздоблення покоїв Мазепи у Батурині: Археологічні дослідження 2013 р. - 02/05/2014
2014 Scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate Students Available Through the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America - 02/05/2014
“Souper Bowl” Sunday ~ February 2, 2014 - 01/28/2014
St. Thomas Sunday - Провідна неділя - 26-27 April, 2014 - 01/21/2014
All Saints Camp Annual Meeting - February 15, 2014 - 01/15/2014
All Saints Camp Development Meeting - Jan. 25, 2014 - 01/15/2014
Taras Shevchenko Essay Contest Ends on January 31, 2014 - 01/15/2014
St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Feast Day - February 12, 2014 - 01/14/2014
Nativity Carol Sing-A-Long - Mid-Atlantic Deanery Event - January 25, 2014 - 01/02/2014
Malanka in Philadelphia - January 25, 2014 - 01/02/2014
Bethlehem Lenten Retreat - March 22, 2014 - 01/02/2014
UOL Lenten Retreat - March 29, 2014 - 01/02/2014
Music for the Divine Liturgy is Published by the UOC of the USA - 12/19/2013
Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2013/2014 - 12/19/2013
Annual Nativity Broadcast from St. Vladimir Cathedral in Parma, OH! - 12/19/2013
The First and Finest - Just Released! - 12/15/2013
Orthodox Christian Stewardship as Sacred Offering An Orthodox Stewardship Resource for Individuals, Parishes, and Christian Educational Institutions |
The Premier Website on Orthodox Christian Vocations - 12/15/2013
Lenten Epistle - Послання на Різдв'яний Піст 2013 - 12/14/2013
1 December, 2013 - UOL Sunday - 11/24/2013
St. Sophia Seminary is Restarting Weekend Classes in January... - 11/16/2013
and You Should Join Us! |
November 16, 2013 - Vocations Retreat - 11/09/2013
23 листопада, 2013 - Соборна Панахида за жертвами Голодомору 1932-1933рр в Нью-Йорку - 11/06/2013
November 23, 2013 - NY City Memorial Service to Honor the 10 Million Innocent Victims of the Ukrainian Famine Genocide of 1932-1933 - 11/06/2013
November 24, 2013 – Ukrainian Famine Commemoration/Memorial Service in Los Angeles, CA - 11/05/2013
Patriarchal Video Message to the 20th Regular Sobor - 10/24/2013
January 18, 2014 - Greater Rochester Ukrainian Community in Concert! - 10/23/2013
2013 Message of the 20th Regular SOBOR of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Faithful - 10/20/2013
May 30-June 14, 2014 - College Age Summer Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 10/08/2013
November 8-10, 2013 - All Saints Camp Work Weekend - 10/03/2013
2013 Message of the Assembly of Bishops to Orthodox Christian Faithful Throughout North and Central America - 09/21/2013
2013 Assembly Statement on the Middle East - 09/21/2013
2013 Assembly Statement on Marriage and Sexuality - 09/21/2013
Prayer Books and New Testament Books for Soldiers - 09/20/2013
Patriarchal Encyclical for the Ecclesiastical New Year - 09/02/2013
25 August, 2013 - Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration at the Metropolia Center - День Незалежності України - 07/31/2013
20th Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA - 07/22/2013
October 17-20, 2013 - Registration, Information, Agenda - Реєстрація, інформація, розклад |
1-2 November, 2013 - OCAMPR Annual Conference - 07/18/2013
21-28 December, 2013 - Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 07/01/2013
August 10, 2013 - 1025-th Anniversary of Baptism of Ukraine into Holy Orthodoxy - 06/17/2013
UOL Convention Registration - 06/06/2013
UOL Convention 2013 - Be Our Guest - 06/06/2013
7-20 July, 2013 - Teenage Conference! - 05/28/2013
June 23 - July 6, 2013 - Diocesan Church School Camp! - 05/28/2013
July 28 - August 2, 2013 - Mommy & Me/Daddy & Me Camp! - 05/28/2013
Appalachia Ministry Trip - 05/11/2013
Family Fest 2013 - 05/09/2013
St. Andrew Memorial Church Paschal Schedule / Пасхальний розклад - 04/29/2013
May 24, 2013 - St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary Commencement Exercises! - 04/29/2013
May 18-21, 2013 - Remembering Metropolitan Constantine! - 04/22/2013
June 11, 2013 - Remembering Patriarch/Metropolitan Mstyslav! - 04/22/2013
Remembering Chornobyl - 27 Years Later! - 04/14/2013
Пам'ятаймо Чорнобиль! - 04/14/2013
St. Thomas Sunday - Провідна неділя - 04/05/2013
Archangel Icons - Icon Workshops - 03/05/2013
Archpastoral Portraits - 02/20/2013
New portraits are available. These portraits are printed on quality canvas and wrapped around a solid wood frame. Each wrap-around print measures 16 x 20 inches and is ready for framing or hanging. Your order will be packaged and boxed to ensure that you receive your portrait canvases safely and without any damage. Please disregard the mesage: Shipping Method: Sorry but we were unable to determine shipping rates. You may wish to check your address again to ensure that it is accurate. This shipment will be delivered to you by UPS ONLY.
Price - $150 / Set
Shipping & Handling - $20 |
Lenten Couples Retreat - 01/30/2013
TV Edition - Enthronement of Metropolitan Antony - 01/28/2013
Consistory Treasurer: It’s Not Too Late to Make Your 2012 Charitable Contribution! - 01/17/2013
UOL Lenten Retreat - Apr. 20, 2013 - 01/17/2013
UOL Lenten Retreat - Apr. 13, 2013 - 01/17/2013
22 січня, 2013 - Відзначення Дня Соборності України в осередку Митрополії УПЦ США - 01/16/2013
Nativity Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Hierarchs Beyond the Borders of Ukraine! - 12/13/2012
30 May - 16 June, 2013: Summer College Age Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanages! - 10/19/2012
19-28 December, 2012: - Winter Mission Trip to Ukrainian Orphanage! - 09/10/2012
24 September, 2012 - Opening of 2012-2013 Academic School Year at St. Sophia Seminary! - 09/03/2012
3 November, 2012 - Youth Ministry Workshop! - 08/30/2012
15-16 September, 2012: 10th Washington Ukrainian Festival! - 08/29/2012
24 August, 2012 - Celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day! - 07/23/2012
31 August - 3 September, 2012 - Annual Family Fest at All Saints Camp! - 07/12/2012
26-29 July, 2012 - 65th Annual UOL Convention! - 07/12/2012
25-28 July, 2012 - St. Mary's Ukrainian Festival in McKees Rocks, PA! - 06/28/2012
12-18 August, 2012 - Icon Workshop at All Saints Camp! - 06/13/2012
6-11 August, 2012 - New Missionary Program of the UOC of the USA - 06/12/2012
Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday is May 20, 2012! - 05/14/2012
17-29 October, 2012: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & St. Catherine’s Monastery - 05/13/2012
Chicago Deanery: 11 April, 2012 - Holy Unction Service! - 03/28/2012
11-16 June, 2012 - Archangel Icons Icon Workshop in Pittsburgh, PA! - 03/27/2012
21-22 April, 2012 - Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage! - 03/27/2012
5 May, 2012 - All Saints Camp Celebrates Metropolitan's 40th Consecration Anniversary! - 03/08/2012
19 May, 2012 - 40 Years of Archpastoral Ministry of Metropolitan Constantine! - 03/07/2012
27-28 April, 2012 - Christian Education Teacher Certification! - 03/07/2012
18-21 June, 2012: Annual 2012 Altar Servers Conference! - 02/17/2012
Consistory Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Program: Holy Gifts for the Holy! - 02/14/2012
5-13 August, 2012: High School Mission Trip! - 02/11/2012
February 26, 2012 - OCMC Mission Sunday! - 02/08/2012
Record of Protest Against the Infringement of Religious Liberty! - 02/03/2012
February 12, 2012: Lecture by Dr. Volodymyr Mezentsev at Ukrainian Historical and Cultural Center - 02/01/2012
February 5, 2012 - Annual Scout Sunday! - 01/17/2012
February 11, 2012 - St. Sophia Seminary Chapel Feast Day! - 01/12/2012
Nativity/Christmas Encyclical of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch! - 12/21/2011
OCN's Share the Light Sunday! - 12/19/2011
The Annual Christmas Radio Program of the Divine Liturgy! - 12/19/2011
St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary Launches New Web Site! - 12/07/2011
2011 St. Philip's Fast Archpastoral Letter! - 11/26/2011
Annual Inter-Orthodox Camp and Youth Worker Conference! - 11/18/2011
Strangers No Longer: Ukrainian Catholics and Orthodox Remember the Holodomor! - 11/09/2011
Metropolia Center - Film Screening: Famine-33! - 11/09/2011
2012 College Mission Trip to Ukraine! - 11/08/2011
Ukrainian / American Talent Show 2011 - 08/11/2011
Registration for Clergy Conference 2011 - 07/28/2011
2011 Family Fest at All Saints Camp! - 06/13/2011
2011 Message of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America! - 05/27/2011
Annual Ukrainian Festival at Sts Peter and Paul UOC in Wilmington, DE - 05/10/2011
Chicago Deanery Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster! - 04/21/2011
Orphanage Benefit Concert at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Bensenville, IL - 04/13/2011
2011 Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage - 03/20/2011
Parish Information Sheet 2010 - 03/18/2011
Welcome to our Newly Redesigned Website! - 03/11/2011
California Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Genocide in Ukraine 1932-1933! - 11/07/2008
Commemoration of the Holodomor - The Great Famine-Genocide in Ukraine In 1932-1933, the Soviet Communist Party under Joseph Stalin’s leadership imposed an artificial famine, Holodomor, in Ukraine. By the end of 1933, 10 million innocent victims, including 3 million children, had perished from starvation through a deliberate Soviet policy to crush the Ukrainian peasantry and industrialize the USSR. Click here> |
Chicago Metropolitan Community to Honor the Memory of the Victims of the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine! - 10/13/2008
UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE USA OFFICE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS PRESS RELEASE Chicago Metropolitan Community to Honor the Memory of the Victims of the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine! His Grace Bishop Daniel has issued a letter urging the clergy and the faithful of the Chicago Metropolitan area to participate in an Ecumenical service honoring the memory of the victims of the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine. The bishop wrote in his letter: "This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian famine. During the winter of 1932-33, some ten million Ukrainians living in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) died of forced starvation. They perished during a Genocide Famine engineered by the Soviet government. Although the Genocide Famine in Ukraine is one of the most horrific examples of man’s inhumanity to man ever perpetrated in history, Western society is barely aware of it! Throughout the history of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church here in the United Sates of America we have always remembered the victims of this horrific crime against humanity in general and Ukrainians in particular. The very first monument to the victims of the Famine was dedicated at our Church’s spiritual Center in South Bound Brook, NJ – St. Andrew Memorial church. This year, wherever Ukrainians are in the world, our communities mark the 75th anniversary of this tragedy. From Washington, DC to San Francisco, CA – the eternal flame of the Famine has traveled throughout our country, including to South Bound Brook and Chicago, witnessing to people of all ethnic backgrounds and races about the crime against Ukrainian people. On November 15th of this year, the Chicago Metropolitan community will once again honor the memory of the victims of the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine. We will gather this year at Holy Name Roman-Catholic Cathedral in Chicago (735 N. State Street) for an Ecumenical Memorial service, honoring the lost lives of millions of Ukrainians. The site has been selected in order to increase awareness in the greater Chicago community, and the world, about the tragedy of Ukrainian people and our history. I am directing you to join me at this ecumenical memorial Panakhyda, which begins at 11:00 a.m. Please arrive no later than 10:30 a.m. so that we can properly prepare for the service. On this day we will honor the memory of our deceased brothers and sisters, who perished only because they were willing to stand up for their rights to own their own small part of God’s green Earth, rather than to submit to the collective farm policy of Josef Stalin. We all know how important the land is to every Ukrainian for sustenance of life. Their brothers and sisters – Ukrainians throughout Ukraine and the world commemorate them and express their gratitude to them for the sacrifice they made. Demographers estimate that had these ten million people not perished – without reason – the population of Ukraine today would be somewhere between 80 and 100 million! Although stifled, the memory of those victims and the memory of the famine festered beneath the surface consciousness of the people of Ukraine and maintained, I believe, regardless of all efforts of the communist regime, maintained a subconscious self-identity, which led to the independence of our nation – an independence achieved without the shedding of blood. The endurance of the horror of the famine – and other almost incredible conditions of life through most of the 20th century – preserved within the conscience and social fabric of the nation – that self-identity which serves as the foundation for building Ukraine today and tomorrow into one of the most important productive and freedom loving nations of the world. So, let us come together in humility on November 15, 2008 to share in prayer and beseech our Lord’s eternal blessings upon us as we commemorate our brothers and sisters, praying that He will grant them eternal rest in a place where there is no more suffering, no more sorrow, no more sickness, but only life eternal for those who perished without reason. We pray that their memory will be eternal." Click here for the poster. |
OrthoAnalytika! - 09/02/2008
OrthoAnalytika ORTHO - from the Greek for “correct” ANALYTIKA - from the Greek for “analysis” Greetings in Our Lord Jesus Christ! Welcome to OrthoAnalytika, a place where I (Fr. Anthony Perkins) post homilies, analysis, interviews, and music. I have a fairly diverse background, something I try to use to bring clarity to current events, parish life, and theology. Most of the entries have audio - you can click the “play” triangle or download the listed MP3 file to hear them. You can also subscribe to “OrthoAnalytika” via iTunes. If you like these entries, you may enjoy my personal blogsite. If you have comments or questions, please contact me! Click Here to Subscribe to OrthoAnalytika via iTunes! |
D. Min. From Pittsburgh Theological Seminary - 08/28/2008
What is distinctive about a Doctor of Ministry degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary? We bring together priest (pastor), church, and seminary through: Four vital, creative, and imaginative focus areas Going to the source - theology, Bible, history, heritage, practice, and spiritual formation Critical reflection among peers and faculty Global mission, interaction, and dialogue. A Doctor of Ministry in the Eastern Christian Context Purpose The Doctor of Ministry is designed to deepen and enhance your ministry through systematic study and reflection. Participants remain in their places of ministry during the program and attend classes three or four weeks a year. Emphasis is placed on integration of the theological disciplines with major areas of church leadership. Curriculum Six core seminars covering the theology of ministry, eccesiology, canon law, homiletics, spirituality and pastoral care, education, ethics and community issues make up the first half of the program. They will be taught by a combined faculty of Pittsburgh Seminary and recognized Eastern Christian scholars. Seminars will usually be five days in length. Following completion of these courses, students will select an area for further study and design a doctoral project in that area of interest. A Proposal Colloquium, a Biblical Seminar and two electives help to prepare for the implementation of the project and the writing of the doctoral paper. Schedule The six core seminars will be held concurrently with the Antiochian House of Studies near Ligonier, Pennsylvania. Students will also spend two weeks at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary completing the Proposal Colloquium and the Biblical Seminar. The doctoral project will be carried out in the candidate’s place of ministry with the assistance of two faculty advisors. This program is for you if…
You have reached a plateau in your present ministry and are ready for new personal and professional growth. You would appreciate an educational approach that utilizes your experience in ministry as part of every course from administration to theology.
You want your educational program to have direct results for the ministry in which you serve.
Admission A Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent from an accredited seminary or divinity school is required for admission. Applicants are also required to have completed a minimum of three years in ministry following receipt of the Master of Divinity.
Cost The program is designed to be completed in three to four years, with 30 credit hours of required coursework. In addition, a doctoral project valued at six credit hours must be completed. The current tuition for the program is $224 per credit hour, due at the beginning of each course. The total program tuition is now $8064 (36 hours). Fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Directors. Quality and Experience Pittsburgh Theological Seminary is a fully accredited member of the Association of Theological Schools and has offered the Doctor of Ministry degree since 1972. Several features make this unique program especially attractive. One is the emphasis on integrating academic work with the practice of ministry. Another is the resources of our combined faculty and fine libraries. A third is the collegial spirit which develops among faculty and students in the program.
For more information, click here. |
Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies! - 08/08/2008
Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology Opens Again in September 2008! THE MA IN PASTORAL THEOLOGY is the course which attracts most of our post-graduate students. The full-time MA is taught over one academic year but it may also be pursued part-time for two or more years, up to a maximum of six. (Please note that overseas students seeking entry visas are advised to enrol for the one-year full-time course). The degree is validated by Anglia Ruskin University Our MA students take classes and work together with their colleagues from the other houses of the Cambridge Theological Federation, representing the Anglican, Methodist, Roman Catholic and United Reformed traditions. In this diverse context IOCS students will be expected to articulate and communicate their Orthodox faith and identity. What is the Orthodox understanding of pastoral care and how is it applied today? How different are the concerns of the Western churches from those of the Orthodox churches? These are questions that Orthodox students will be faced with in an environment of dialogue and intellectual debate. To receive the MA degree a student will have to successfully complete four modules and write a dissertation. The modules include some teaching (usually 2 hours per week) but the main emphasis of the course is on research and essay writing. Assignments are not oral examinations but consist mainly of written essays and class presentations. Research towards MA DissertationThe MA dissertation is the goal and the most important part of the MA programme. It is the result of the student's independent research under academic supervision from the Institute. Students choose their topics according to their individual preferences and academic interests. Everyone is expected to connect their personal experience with the faith of the Orthodox Church as expressed in the patristic heritage and in present practice. The Institute is proud of the achievements of its past MA students most of whom have received distinctions for their dissertations. This success has made our Orthodox house highly regarded in the academic community of theological colleges in Cambridge and we trust it will continue in the future. Orthodox Module (compulsory)Institute students will attend the module 'An Orthodox Approach to Pastoral Life: Liturgical Theology and the Mission of the Church'. This module, taught by IOCS staff and visiting Orthodox lecturers, encourages students to bring the teachings of the Church and the study of the Fathers to bear upon contemporary issues in Orthodox pastoral life. Core Module, Pastoral Theology in History and Practice (compulsory)This module has a special importance for our students since it exposes them to the faith and perspective of other denominations, and most importantly it challenges them to confess their Orthodox identity, faith and traditions to other Christians. The module is taught by the Cambridge Theological Federation of which the Institute is a full member and is followed by all Federation students. It aims to impart the biblical and theological basis for Christian pastoral work - whether that is undertaken formally for a church or informally in everyday life. Independent Learning Module (recommended)In preparation of the dissertation, students are recommended to undertake the 'Independent Learning Module' which allows them to specialise in a chosen area within the field of Orthodox pastoral theology. There are no lectures for this module as it consists solely of the student's independent research and supervision sessions with one of the Institute's tutors. Fourth Module (student's choice)Students are required to choose a fourth module from the ones offered by the Cambridge Theological Federation: Biblical Hermeneutics; Christian Ethics; Christian Worship and Human Community; Christianity in a Scientific Culture; Health Care Chaplaincy; Inter-faith Dialogue; Literature and Pastoral Theology; Modernity, Postmodernity and the Gospel; Preaching in a Pastoral Context; Psychology, Faith and Church Life; The Visual Arts and Pastoral Theology, and others. Study weekends and Summer School (recommended)Students are expected to attend the monthly Study Weekends and the Summer School organized by the Institute as part of its Certificate/Diploma programmes in Orthodox Christian Studies. The Institute invites many prestigious speakers to these courses, and the students have thus the opportunity to listen and meet with renowned Orthodox theologians In-house courses and regular tutorialsThe Institute also offers in-house courses on the History of the Church, Research Methods and Study Skills and on Academic Writing in English which all students are advised to attend. In addition, whenever necessary students will benefit from tutorials, which are one to one sessions with an academic advisor from the Institute. Services and life in the Orthodox communityIt is expected that students will attend the services organized by the Institute, and they are encouraged to take an active part in the Orthodox parishes and in the Orthodox student community in Cambridge. Students also have the opportunity to discuss pastoral, theological and personal matters with the Chaplain of the Institute, whenever necessary. Academic ResourcesStudents will have access to a unique wealth of resources in Cambridge. IOCS has a very fine library which includes the collection of the late Sir Dimitry Obolensky. Besides students have the possibility to consult practically all libraries in town: the Cambridge University Library, the Faculty of Divinity Library, the libraries of the theological colleges members of the CTF and of Anglia Ruskin University. They will be able to improve their languages in view of their subsequent research by attending courses in Greek, Latin or Hebrew offered by the Faculty of Divinity and CTF. Also they will have the opportunity to attend the frequent open lectures offered by the Faculty of Divinity, by the various theological houses in Cambridge and by other faculties. In many ways the Institute could be seen as the gateway through which one enters the world of theological education in Cambridge. Admission criteria and procedureThere are three principal criteria for admission to the MA in Pastoral Theology. Candidates will meet these criteria by evidence either of certified learning or of experiential learning. Candidates should give evidence of prior learning in Theology or Religious Studies. Candidates should give evidence that they could reasonably be expected to work at a level appropriate to a Master's degree (BA or equivalent from a recognised university). An English language proficiency test is required for candidates whose mother tongue is not English.
Applicants are required to complete the standard application form available here. To request a copy in the post please contact the office. FeesThe cost of the degree will be in the region of £3,500 to be paid in advance to the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies. It is also possible to pay on a module by module basis in five instalments. These fees are subject to periodic review. Note should be taken that the same fee will apply both to EU students and to non-EU students. The fee includes all tuition, supervision, and the use of libraries. The fee does not include any accommodation or meals, nor does it include the costs of travel and accommodation incurred for the Placement module. For further information please contact us. |
St. Sophia Seminary Library's Catalogue Online! - 04/23/2008
2008 Annual St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage! - 04/01/2008
The Council of Bishops and Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA cordially invite all Christ-loving faithful, in particular our youth of all ages to participate in this year’s SAINT THOMAS SUNDAY PILGRIMAGE! |
UPDATED: Consecration of Archimandrite Daniel to Episcopacy! - 04/01/2008
Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Office of the President of the Consistory 1 April 2008 TO: PARISH PASTORS AND BOARDS OF ADMINISTRATION RE: NOTES CONCERNING EPISCOPAL CONSECRATION PLANNING Dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters, GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST! I write to offer some information about plans for the upcoming Episcopal Consecration of Archimandrite Daniel that we may not have made clear in earlier correspondence or with our invitations. We have had many telephone calls from individuals who have stated that they received no information in their parishes. The invitations sent to the parishes were, indeed, meant to be for the entire membership of the parish. We need to make clear that if members of your parish are planning to participate in the Consecration events, they need to make their plans accordingly. Those planning to participate in this happy occasion should make their reservations for hotel, banquet and bus transportation at the earliest possible time. HOTEL: The room rate is $85.00 + taxes. Reservations are assured if made by 9 April. After that date you will get that rate only if rooms are still available. You must request a room under the “Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA” block. Please do not procrastinate. Hotel contact information: Holiday Inn 6001 Rockside Road Independence, OH 44131 Reservations: National – 1-800-HOLIDAY Hotel Directly – 216-524-8050 BANQUET: Reservations and tickets for the Consecration Banquet should be made by 10 April by sending a check to cover the number of tickets desired to the Consistory. An alternative method for purchasing tickets is to call the Consistory, ask to speak to Natalia Honcharenko and make the purchase with your credit card. Ticket prices are: Adults - $40, Students - $30, Children under the age of ten - $20. It would be very helpful and perhaps more convenient for parish members for some individual in the parish to receive orders and payment for banquet tickets and then to send the order and payment to the Consistory. The group of tickets would then be sent back to this individual for distribution. Tickets are being sold and sent out on a first come-first served basis and we would urge anyone planning to attend to act sooner rather than later because there are only 400 tickets available, which include our complimentary guest tickets. We have some time beyond the 10 April deadline for orders if any tickets remain then, which seems highly unlikely at this point, but, in any case, it would not be wise to wait and hope to get into the banquet on the day of the Consecration. BUS: We have made arrangements for a bus to travel to Parma from the Ukrainian Cultural Center here at the Consistory. The cost for the round trip is $65 per person. The bus will leave at 7 a.m. on Friday, 9 May to arrive in time for the Vespers and Betrothal Service in St. Vladimir Cathedral. Prior to the service the UOL Chapters of the Cathedral will host all out of town guests to a complimentary meal in the Cathedral Social Center. Following the service you will be taken directly to your hotel for a good night’s rest. On Saturday morning you will be transported back to the Cathedral for the Liturgy of Consecration and the Banquet honoring our new hierarch. After the banquet – approximately 4-5 p.m. you will depart for the return trip to New Jersey. Again, there has been heavy interest in this bus service and there are only 55 seats available, so please send a check or call to charge to your credit card for your bus ticket(s) as soon as possible by calling the Consistory to speak with Natalia Honcharenko. We look forward to seeing you all at this glorious event in the life of our Holy Church. You are all in our prayers. In our Lord’s All-encompassing Love, + Antony By the Grace of God, Archbishop Ukrainian Language Translation
Attention Students: Scholarships Available! - 04/01/2008
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Office of Public Relations Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas 2008-2009 Paleologos Graduate Scholarship and Katrina John Malta Scholarship Applications Available! Applications for the 2008-2009 academic year are available for the new graduate scholarship program established in 2007 by Peter and Elli Malta Paleologos and administered by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. For the second year this fund is offering assistance to students enrolled in professional graduate studies leading to graduate, non-theological degrees. At least one scholarship of $10,000 per academic year will be awarded to help graduate students defray the costs of tuition, room and board, and other expenses related to obtaining a degree. Candidates must be Orthodox Christian students within a jurisdiction of SCOBA (Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas), U.S. citizens (or permanent residents) and either beginning their graduate studies or continuing their graduate studies in the 2008-2009 academic year. Students receiving a full scholarship from any other source or a partial scholarship exceeding fifty percent (50%) of their tuition are ineligible. Candidates must submit a completed application form to the Scholarship Committee together with all the other items required, including a complete academic record (undergraduate and graduate), a budget and/or statement of need, a resume or Curriculum Vitae, and five (5) letters of recommendation addressing academic and religious/spiritual backgrounds. Candidates must also prepare a scholarship proposal (2-3 pages) describing how their current studies allow them to employ their talents, and how being awarded this scholarship would help them use these talents to serve the Church or community at large. Further details and an application form are available on-line on the Archdiocese website at: http://www.goarch.org/en/archdiocese/administration/chancellor/scholarships.asp Once the application has been filled in and all necessary documents assembled, the completed packet should be sent to the Paleologos Graduate Scholarship Fund, c/o Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075. The deadline for submission of all completed application packets is April 18, 2008. Incomplete packets will not be considered for the award. Any questions should be directed to the Office of Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese at (212) 774-0513, or by e-mail at scholarships@goarch.org, or by letter. Katina John Malta Scholarship 2008 Application.
Paleologos Graduate Scholarship 2008 Application. |
61st Annual UOL Convention! - 03/29/2008
The Senior and Junior UOL Chapters Parish Council, Sisterhood, Social Club and Parishioners of ST. JOHN the BAPTIST Invite you to the 61st UOL Convention “THE LIGHT OF CHRIST ILLUMINES ALL" July 30 - August 3, 2008 Johnson City, NY Schedule of Events July 30-August 3, 2008 - Johnson City, New York St. John the Baptist Sr. & Jr. UOL Chapters Wednesday, July 30th, 2008 9pm-11pm Hospitality Night- hosted by Johnson City Sr. & Jr. UOL Chapters. We continue our theme of I Love UOL and I Love New York. Come enjoy wine tasting featuring some of New York’s finest wines. And of course dine on great food. Juniors will also enjoy a pool party. Thursday, July 31st, 2008 6pm-11pm “A Touch of the Southern Tier” social event held on the 18th floor of the State Office Building in downtown Binghamton. Guests will have a spectacular view of the city and the Susquehanna and Chenango rivers. A picnic atmosphere will feature delicious local specialty foods, including chicken “spiedies”. Team trivia with prizes will highlight the evening and of course there will be dancing. Friday, August 1st, 2008 6pm-10pm A “Rally with Friends” social event at the hotel will give you more time to reminisce with friends and dance to the tunes of a spectacular local band. We will also feature a Hot Air Balloon display and a launch may be visible in the Binghamton skies around dusk. Saturday, August 2nd, 2008 6:30am Come join the fun and board a bus for the local Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally. Approximately 50 hot air balloons will go up during the launch. Coffee, juice, and doughnuts will be provided for the early risers. Sign up ASAP for transportation to this event, as it is a unique opportunity and seating is first come/first served. Workshops 10am-11am – Ukrainian Torte Making – Come learn how to create a torte and even taste this wonderful Ukrainian treat. 11am-12noon – “I have a question” – Ask our panel of priests the questions that have you wondering and listen to the great discussions that will follow. Banquet and Ball – “Illuminations”- 6:30-12midnight- this is the night for the UOL to shine presenting awards, scholarships and honoring the best. Ending in a festive and illuminating style– a night of dancing to Jeff Nyschott. Sunday, August 3rd, 2008 Sunday’s Farewell luncheon “Celebrate Ukraine” in our Memorial Center featuring our famous holubtsi, will follow the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. John the Baptist church. Wear your Ukrainian shirt/blouse to church and enjoy a short concert of our talented choir and dancers of all ages. Come enjoy the lunch and say goodbye to old and new friends. Convention Registration Form. Convention Ad Contract. Convention Ad Terms and Conditions.
All Saints Camp Chapel Consecration! - 03/27/2008
With the Blessing of the Council of Bishops the consecration of the newly constructed chapel at All Saints Camp in Emlenton, Pennsylvania has been selected for June 21 and 22, 2008 on the weekend of the Feast of All Saints. |
High School Mission Trip! - 03/27/2008
Our High School Mission Trip to St. John the Compassionate Mission is already almost half way full. Please encourage the youth of your parishes ages 15-18 to consider becoming a part of this trip.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) - Real Break 2008! - 01/07/2008
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official campus ministry effort under SCOBA. We are a Pan-Orthodox effort, overseen by an Executive Committee and aided by an 20 person Student Advisory Board. Our office is located in Boston, MA where full time staff develops OCF. We are here to guide and support local OCF chapters through communication with the larger Orthodox Community, our National Programs, and development of resources Orthodox college students and those interested in Orthodoxy can utilize. OCF Mission The mission of Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is to support fellowships on college campuses, whose members experience and witness to the Orthodox Christian Church through community life, prayer, service to others and study of the Faith (Acts 2:42). Furthermore, OCF will work to nurture and strengthen love for Jesus Christ and His Church in its fullness at this most critical juncture of human life through: Communication between OCF's and with the larger Orthodox community Development of resources for local OCF's National endeavors such as College Conference, Real Break, website and a national newsletter Vision To be the presence of the Orthodox Church on the North American college campus. OCF is a Member of Syndesmos SYNDESMOS, the World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth, is a federation of Orthodox youth movements and theological schools around the world, working under the blessing of all the local canonical Churches, to serve the Church, Her unity, witness and renewal. The aim of SYNDESMOS is to develop cooperation and communication among Orthodox youth movements and theological schools around the world, and to promote within them a deeper understanding and vision of their common faith. FAQs Q: What is OCF all about? A: OCF stands for Orthodox Christian Fellowship. An OCF is a pan-Orthodox group of students and young adults within a college or university who meet for fellowship, worship, and spiritual development and support. Q: How are all these OCFs organized with each other? A: The North American OCF Office oversees all OCFs at over 240 Colleges and Universities in the United States and Canada. The OCF Office has established of a student advisory board to assist in its efforts. Q: Does my OCF have to register even if you already have our information in the Directory? A: Yes. Although we might have your information, their is a new process that all OCFs must complete to be recognized, including amending an existing constitution. Q: Well, then who is in charge of the North American OCF office? A: SCOBA (the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America) reestablished the OCF. All Canonical Orthodox Jurisdictions in America have a stake in the OCF. The Board of Directors directly oversees its activities. Our office is located in Boston where full-time staff develops OCF. Q: Who is SCOBA? A: SCOBA represents nine (9) Canonical Orthodox Jurisdictions in the Americas. The link provides a list of those jurisdictions. Real Break 2008! |
Concerning the Western Eparchy of the UOC of USA - 12/29/2007
COUNCIL OF BISHOPS UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE USA P. O. Box 495 South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Dearly Beloved Clergy, Monastics and Faithful of our Holy Church, GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST! We have passed through the most difficult and passion filled days of the repose and funeral services of our beloved brother and concelebrant in the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Eminence ArchbishopVsevolod, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Following months of serious illness, suffering and pain, His Eminence now rests eternally as we have prayed fervently, in the loving embrace of our Lord, where there is no more pain, no more suffering and no more sorrow. We pray that at the second advent of our Lord, He will surely hear the sweet call we all long for: “Come my beloved, enter into the place prepared for you before the foundation of the world.” We invite you to participation in memorial services on the 40th day following the Archbishop’s repose, which will take place in parishes all throughout our Holy Church on Thursday, 24 January. St. Volodymyr Cathedral, Chicago, the cathedral seat of Archbishop Vsevolod, will be the site of the primary memorial service at 10:00 a.m. in Divine Liturgy and then at 7:00 p.m. on this day with His Eminence Archbishop Antony as primary celebrant. We, your hierarchs, know the sorrow and the emptiness that fills the hearts and souls of those entrusted to Archbishop Vsevolod’s pastoral care and we will not leave you as orphans without the spiritual care and compassion you most certainly need, especially during these difficult days and the initial days and months ahead until a new ruling hierarch is appointed. During this period, Metropolitan Constantine will serve as Locum Tenens of the Eparchy and respond to your spiritual and administrative needs. The Metropolitan is very familiar, as you all know, with Chicago and all the Western Eparchy, having served as the Ruling Hierarch there for the first twenty-four years of his episcopacy until the unification of all Ukrainian Orthodox Christians into our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA in 1996 and thereafter, the appointment by the Council of Bishops of Archbishop Vsevolod as the new Ruling Hierarch in 1997. We express our most sincere gratitude to the Orthodox hierarchs, the clergy and faithful of our Holy Church and other Orthodox jurisdictions in the USA, to the numerous ecumenical leaders and faithful from around the world, to the representatives of the government of Ukraine and Ukrainian community organizations who participated in the funeral services for Archbishop Vsevolod or sent condolences to our church and the Archbishop’s family during this mournful time. May the soul of our dear brother, Archbishop Vsevolod, rest eternally in the sweet comfort and compassion of our Lord, following his long and fruitful earthly pilgrimage. May our Lord bless and strengthen the members of the Archbishop’s family – his sister Ilaria Majdansky-Krejer, her daughters and their families during the period of mourning making them certain in faith and trust in His Will. May his memory be eternal in God’s Heavenly Kingdom and his prayers in our behalf be answered to our spiritual benefit. We ask that you keep us in your daily prayers, dearly beloved, for it is through those prayers that we are strengthened and enabled in our priestly service in Christ’s Vineyard. We assure you all of our unceasing prayers in your behalf. In our Lord’s all-encompassing Love, + Constantine, Metropolitan + Antony, Archbishop Given this 28th day of December in the Year of our Lord 2007 The Feast of Hiermartyr Eleutherius of Illyria, his Mother Anthia and Martyr Coribus
Accessing Website Archives - 10/01/2007
Archbishop Daniel's Liturgical Schedule |
Metropolitan Andrew Kuschak Митрополит Андрій Кущак |
Service Book Vol 1 - Служебник Том 1 |