Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Southfield, MI Prayerfully Celebrated the Bright Fest of Nativity of our Lord
Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Southfield, MI Prayerfully Celebrated the Bright Fest of Nativity of our Lord

On Christmas we celebrate Heaven coming down to Earth, and it appeared that Heaven had in fact once again touched the earth as the parish of the Protection of the Mother of God in Southfield, Michigan celebrated the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Graced by the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA the faithful gathered to rejoice, worship, and celebrate the Birth of the Lord.

The festivities ensued on the Eve of the Nativity of Christ, being celebrated for the first time on December 24thas the parish had voted earlier in the year to begin following the Revised Julian Calendar.  The sun had set on a cold and blustery day, as the faithful arrived in the dark, with wet snowflakes splattering their faces as they laughed and hurried in through the church doors into a dimly lit nave softly illuminated by the flicker of glowing candles.  A majestic Christmas Tree cast a warm glow in the corner and sparkled with joy, announcing the joyous season.

As Fr. Paul Bodnarchuk, parish priest, and visiting priest Fr. David Chijioke emerged from the Altar to stand before the Royal Gates, the choir under the directorship of Khrystyna Bilan began to chant and sing, “Bless the Lord, O My Soul”.  With soulful prayers, Psalms, and songs softly echoing through the darkened interior of the church, it was as if the faithful were among those shepherds who had first been given the good news of the Savior’s birth, standing at the darkened cave of the Nativity, illuminated by sparkling stars above and the soft singing of the angels.

Archbishop Daniel delivered a moving sermon explaining how the Church is not the building in which the people were gathered, but, the people of Christ, and the world beyond.  He emphasized that the Magi had traveled for years, hundreds of miles in search of the Messiah.  The shepherds having heard the angel’s proclamation, also underwent a journey in search of the Cave and swaddled Child.  His Eminence asked the people before him, “How far are you willing to travel to find Christ?”  We are the Apostles of the 21st Century and the responsibility of spreading the Good News has now fallen on us.  Are we going to take the news of salvation to the outside world?  Will we show love, care and selflessness towards all those in need, introducing them to Christ through our actions? He continued by noting that we are warm and comfortable gathered together in the church, with a warm supper awaiting, and gifts wrapped beneath the tree.  However, many in the world today are suffering.  Missiles flying overhead.  No electricity.  No heat.  No food.  From Ukraine to our local communities there is great need.  It is on us to not only identify as Christians, but, to undertake our own journeys to find Christ, and to share him with the world.

With these moving and inspiring words, Vladyka led everyone in the first Christmas Carol of the season – “Бог Предвічний/Boh Predvichnyj/God Pre-Eternal”.  As the entire congregation joined in, singing louder and louder, everyone’s souls reverberated and rejoiced that God had deemed to take on human flesh to save their souls. 

Feeling loved and joyful, as the choir sang Christmas Carols, the faithful made their way to the parish hall where they settled down for a Lenten meal consisting of 12 dishes.  His Eminence, having blessed the meal, explained that in is tradition in Ukraine to always remember those who came before us.  He lit three candles next to an icon and asked that everyone remember their loved ones who have reposed in the Lord.  Often people leave an empty chair at their tables, a plate, and always some kutia upon their tables into the next day, to allow the souls of the departed to join them in the festivities.

Archbishop Daniel took this opportunity to introduce the Seminarians of the Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary who had traveled with him from New Jersey to celebrate with the faithful in Michigan - Fr. David Chijioke, Deacon Maksym Zhuravchuk, Subdeacon Mykola Stefanyk, and Subdeacon Yurii Izhyk.  He also introduced Mrs. Lydia Zhuravchuk, Deacon Maksym’s mother, who was visiting from Ukraine.

The evening was spent in friendly banter as everyone enjoyed the meal, and finished by singing numerous Christmas carols.  A number of parishioners, including Oksana Khomchak, Denys Slyusar, delivered an impromptu program on the stage, resulting in lighthearted laughter.  Andrew Smyk of the Parish Board of Administration announced that they had visited 23 elderly shut-ins from the parish, and extended greetings sent back to the parishioners from the individuals who could no longer personally attend the event.  Parish President Vera Murha thanked His Eminence for visiting and thanked all those gathered for their participation before handing Archbishop Daniel a check in the amount of $1,000 for the needs of St. Sophia Seminary. The evening finished with the closing prayer, a final carol, and hugs goodbye.

The following morning the sun sparkled brightly as the faithful once again crowded into the large church to celebrate the Birth of Christ.  As His Eminence Archbishop Daniel arrived the nave was already filled with people hugging the walls and standing in the aisles. 

Greeting His Eminence as he entered the cathedral was Parish Board President Vera Murha and Katerina Furoshivska, representing parish organizations, including little Matthew who greeted the hierarch from all the school children of the parish Saturday School – Lesia Ukrainka School of Religion and Ukrainian Studies.  Stepping forward His Eminence was greeted by parish priest Very Rev. Fr. Paul Bodnarchuck who presented him with a Cross and Holy Water.  Warmly accepting the numerous greetings and bestowing his blessings on all those around him, His Eminence proceeded to enter the church, venerated the Nativity Icon and remained standing on the riser in the center of the nave as the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy began.

Having just heard how the Magi had found and worshipped the Christ Child, and then being warned of the duplicity of Herod returned to their own homes without disclosing the Child’s location, beautifully chanted by Deacon Maksym Zhuravchyk from the Gospel, everyone sat down as Archbishop Daniel descended from the Altar to deliver a riveting and moving sermon.  His Eminence explained once again as he had the evening before that we are to undertake our own journeys to find Christ, and to not permit outside forces to influence us negatively.  As the Magi were determined to find salvation, as the Apostles and countless saints had made their own journeys and taken others along with them so should we.  It is our duty, or solemn responsibility, to continue enlightening the world.

Everyone sat mesmerized as they listened to his instructions, his voice carrying and echoing through the cavernous nave.  The sunshine poured in through the stained glass windows, casting colorful rays of joy through the incense laden atmosphere, making it seem as if Heaven had in fact come down to Earth at this very moment in time, and they were sitting among the clouds listening to God’s words and instructions.

Archibishop Daniel stated that everything that God has told us, His Commandments and teachings were not mere “suggestions” for our wellbeing.  If we are truly His followers, we have no option to not follow His Laws.  Whether easy or difficult, He will guide us along our journeys until we finally reach Him.  However, it is not all about “us”, for the Lord always stresses self-sacrifice for the salvation of others – bodily and spiritually.  Therefore, we must do all in our power to bring all those around us to Christ. 

His Eminence explained the significance of the gifts of the Magi.  One brought gold to signify not only the “kingship” of Christ, but the “eternity” of God.  In the Church gold is often used to mark eternity as seen in gold wedding bands which bind a couple for all eternity.  The second wiseman brought incense, through which we worship, allowing our prayers to rise like that incense to God in Heaven, as well signifying the Lord’s priesthood.  The final king gifted the Child anointing oil, signifying the sweet fragrance and beauty of life, but, also foreshadowing the anointing of Christ’s Body both before and after His death upon the Cross.

Our Faith is deep and beautiful, we rejoice with the angels, but we also have a responsibility.  As the countless saints have traversed through life, so must we, determined in our goal to bring others to Christ, confident in our faith and our Faith, and to boldly profess as did the angels on that first night, the good news to all.  Never be embarrassed or hesitate to proclaim Christ is Born!  Merry Christmas!

Returning to the Altar, the Liturgy continued as the people continued to be transported from earth to heaven through the words, hymns, and prayers.  Before the pronouncement of the Creed of Faith, His Eminence stepped out on the ambo and explained that inside the altar, every time Divine Liturgy is served, at this point of the service the priests exchange a kiss of peace between themselves – putting aside any grievances and moving forward with peace and love in their hearts and souls as they proclaim their faith in God.  He asked that all those inside the cathedral do the same.  At the pronouncement by the deacon of “Let us love one another, that with oneness of mind we may confess:” he asked that everyone turn to one another and exclaim “Christ is in our midst!” and reply “He is and always will be!” as they exchange three “kisses of peace” with each other.  As the deacon loudly proclaimed, the congregation began to stir and loudly exclaim “Christ is in our midst!” as people joyfully put aside any differences and rejoiced in Christ.

As Holy Communion approached, the children of the parish all ran forward to get in line.  Giggling and shuffling their feet the youngest of the flock squirmed with excitement, as the adults moved to also get in line.  Having humbly accepted the greatest Gift, the Body and Blood of Christ, on the day we were celebrating His Incarnation, the very souls of the faithful rejoiced.

At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, Fr. Paul Bodnarchuk thanked His Eminence for visiting his parish, and then everyone proceeded to sing Mnohaya Lita for Archbishop Daniel and his flock, Fr. Paul and his flock and then His Eminence turned with a smile and looked up at the choir, thanking them for the wonderful job they did in singing the Liturgy this day.  He then asked that the choir remain silent and that the people below sing Mnohaya Lita to the choir members.  Starting everyone off, Vladyka began to sing, and everyone else joined in.  With his prompting to sing louder, everyone sang louder… and even louder, until the words of well wishes for God’s blessing for many, many years echoed through the cathedral and could be heard throughout the neighborhood outside. 

As the joy-filled service concluded, everyone came forward to receive anointing by Fr. Paul, an icon prayer card from Archbishop Daniel, and venerate the Cross offered to them by Fr. David.

Slowly the faithful made their way down to the parish hall to continue the happy celebration and to enjoy a communal potluck.  Having filled their plates everyone sat and amicably enjoyed each other’s company while sharing stories, catching up on news, making new friends, and basking in the warm glow of love and camaraderie.   As the sun began its downward descent in the western sky, and errant snowflakes wound their way down from the clouds, the faithful of the Southfield parish having received a final blessing from their hierarch, slowly departed for their homes to spend some quality time with their family and loved ones, taking with them the true spirit of Christmas, a light into the darkness, warmth into the cold… as they greeted everyone with the good news of Christ and encouraged all those around them to join in the joy of God’s Love.

Christ is Born!  Glorify Him!  Христос Народжується!  Славімо Його!

Ukrainian Orthodox Community of Southfield, MI Prayerfully Celebrated the Bright Fest of Nativity of our Lord

Photos by Subdeacon Mykola Stefanyk and Elizabeth Symonenko

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